Tuesday, October 19, 2010

I will not...

I will not kill my children.
I. will. not. kill. my. children.
I will NOT kill my children.
I Will Not Kill My Children.
I will not KILL my CHILDREN.
I will not kill my children.
I will not kill my children.
[cue the deep breath]

Here's hopin' my children make it to another morning. It's 10:00am and already one of those days.


  1. aww poor thing! I'm sorry!! Hope your day gets better!

  2. Are they making it? Luckily my kids are sleeping right now, but there for a bit I didn't know if we were going to make it past lunchtime. This too shall pass... right? RIGHT?!

  3. I hate those days. Tomorrow will be better? I feel for you! Hopefully they will all take naps or watch a movie so you can breathe. Good luck kids!

  4. Good news! You have enrichment tonight!

  5. You'll make it, you love your kids too much to do anything that will last long. :) Besides, if they've made it this far then your good. Not that it's good news, but I'm thinking that teenage years aren't going to be any better. :):) Maybe this is just prep. :)
