Monday, May 9, 2011

Movies Anyone?

So, my husband and I watch an inordinate amount of movies. It's just what we do. Often by the end of the day we are too exhausted to come up with anything more creative than put the kids down and crash in front of the TV. I also happened to marry into a movie-crazy family. Not even kidding... one brother-in-law is like a movie genius, we all fight to have him on our team while playing Scene-it, another BIL works in Hollywood, and all of them seem to have an uncanny knack of memorizing lines from movies (even if said movie was only watched once).

We've actually watched some really good movies recently (like within the past year, just don't want you to think we watch THAT many movies). I thought I would suggest some of our favorites, as the summer approaches and movie season starts but we are all too cheap to go the actual theaters, that you can get on DVD.

Family movies (okay, we don't actually watch these with our kids because they are still a little young, but we would be willing to watch them again as the kids get older).
Dragon Hunters - a little intense for the younger audience and slower paced, it was still really fun to watch and absolutely beautiful. Definite recommendation if you like foreign films. If not stick with Dragon Trainer, one of my husbands favorites.
Mr. Magorium's Wonder Emporium - it's about a magical toy store, what's not to love?
Chronicles of Narnia: Prince Caspian - I like it much better than The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe.
Bandslam - we thought it was going to be a High School Musical wannabe, totally was NOT! Really great storyline, good character development, and way more depth than the trailers lead you to believe. We laughed, we cried, we loved it.
The Spy Next Door - completely cheesy, but we happen to be big Jackie Chan fans and it would be a fun one for the kids too.

Good girl-time movies (I watched these by myself, mainly while folding laundry, which has to be the most boring chore ever).
Bright Star - based on the three-year romance of John Keats and Fanny Brawne, it'll make you cry.
My Girlfriend's Boyfriend - super cute movie with a little twist at the end I was totally not expecting and it takes place in Salt Lake City (for all of you Utah people out there).
I'm Reed Fish - I still don't know how I feel about this one... let's just say it was interesting.
Leap Year - if you haven't seen this movie yet, go watch it. Right now.

Chick Flicks to watch as a date:
Notting Hill - yes my husband actually watched this one with me and it was his idea (I had actually never seen this one) and he loved it. You just can't go wrong with Julia Roberts and Hugh Grant.
500 Days of Summer - not your typical chick flick, which is why I think my husband liked it so much and I just love weird movies like this.
Penelope - another one that if you have not seen you must go watch, right now. Not only did we both love it, but it sends such a good message that I will make my teenagers watch this whether they want to or not.
Date Night - okay, not really a chick flick and probably shouldn't recommend it to just anyone, but seriously, we are just at that point in our lives where we were laughing because it is so true (although there were a few awkward scenes/jokes in the movie, just warning you).

Movies your Man will definitely watch:
Stone of Destiny - about a group of young college students who decide to steal the stone of Destiny (a symbol of Scotland) from under the Crowning throne in England in the 1950's. Brush up on your history a bit and then watch this movie.
Traitor - an action movie about terrorists.
Taken - finally, no talking bad-guy scene, yay! (Not recommended if you don't like violence).
Outsourced - jobs are outsourced to India (in fact, I believe there is a new NBC series based on the same thing), sorry not much of an explanation, we jut really liked it.
Unstoppable - we liked it enough that my husband wants to buy it.

Those are some of my random suggestions. I could go on, but for sake of time (and not wanting to completely admit to how many movies I actually watch) I will stop for now. Let me know if you have any suggestions.


  1. I am so glad that you watch movies like I do! It makes me feel like not such a loser, because you are the coolest ;) So, we have similar tastes too! I LOVED 500 Days of summer, and my girlfriends boyfriend. I need to try unstoppable and stones of destiny.. haven't seen those yet. So, another great family movie that was better than expected is Ramona and Beezus.... Both Geren and I loved it, laughed and cried and all that. :)Thanks for the recommendations!

  2. Secretariat is such a good movie! As a triple Crown Winner, I had this horse's poster on my wall as a teenager so this was a good movie to watch to know exactly how magnificent the horse truly was.
    I have heard that "Soul Surfer" was a great movie to see. this one is on my list.
    Tangled was a cute movie. Good family movie.
    Despicable Me was soo cute. good family movie.

  3. Megan, thanks for thinking I'm the coolest... yes we love movies. I will put Ramona and Beezus on our list and if you ever have anymore suggestions (or want more suggestions) just let me know!

  4. Ooo, I so loved Leap Year! It made my Favorite Movies list right off the bat!

    Thanks for the other suggestions too. Once Spence quits the paper route next month, I'm thinking we might actually have TIME to watch a movie once in a while.
