Tuesday, May 31, 2011


It seems we have abandoned you, I know. We have not, it's just BOTH of our lives have become extremely busy at the same time! Who knew?

We will be back in full swing soon, I promise. Until then, anyone read anything funny lately? I keep reading incredibly depressing books (like Tess of the D-Urbervilles) and would love something happy and uplifting.


  1. Promise, promise we haven't abandoned you! I have a post a-brewin' and will put pen to paper (or finger to keyboard, more accurately) as soon as I get the chance!

  2. I never read Tess of the D-Urbervilles for precisely that reason. But then a friend told me it is actually a very nice book, as long as you stop reading about half-way through when everything is going well in her life. When you get to that point, close the book and imagine a beautiful ending.
    For a fun read try "A Year Down Yonder" or "How Angel Patterson Got His Name." Kids' books as much for adults as kids.
